6th Year Leadership Training

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Last Thursday, August 25th, 2022, our 6th-year prefects and sports Captains participated in Leadership training. The morning session was facilitated by Nuala O’Higgins (Guidance Counsellor) and Marie Walker (spiritual coach). In addition, Sadhbh and Beibhinn O’Higgins, two of our head girls from the Class of 2022, kindly returned to share their insights and advice with the prefects.

Did you find the training beneficial?

“I found the training to be very beneficial. The training helped us think about the type of leaders we wanted to be and the sort of impact we wanted on the school this year. Hearing from last year’s Head Girls was also extremely helpful as we listened to their perspectives and received great advice on the best approach for the year.

What did you think worked well?

Firstly, I thought the body scan worked very well. The body scan was a great exercise to de-stress, and it showed us just how important it is to take the time to relax and reflect, especially in a year as busy as sixth year. I also thought it was really worthwhile when we comprised a list of our talents. This exercise helped us focus on our strengths and how we can bring them to our leadership roles this year.

Areas to improve

I learned so much from the leadership training and found it so helpful to be a part of it. I knew the most when interacting, so maybe more interactive exercises to maximise engagement.”


Kate Donaghy (Head girl)



On the afternoon of Thursday, August 25th 2022, all senior leadership roles, along with Ms O’ Higgins, attended a Jigsaw workshop called “My Mental Health, What Helps”. This was a two-hour programme that took place in the supervision room. The workshop was led by Sarah Byrne and Barry Dempsey from Jigsaw, who created a PowerPoint and different activities for us to do on the day. During the workshop, we learned what the charity of Jigsaw does, and they shared with us some survey results from around Ireland of what people aged 16-25 thought damaged and helped their mental health. In addition, we did several interactive activities, including a carousel activity that allowed everyone to share their different ideas on specific questions asked. We also did a walking debate in which several statements about mental health were read out, and we all had to decide if we agreed or disagreed. Overall, we all found the session to be very beneficial and worthwhile, and after it, we all felt a lot more confident and educated about mental health. A big thanks to Ms O’Higgins for setting it up for us and to Sarah and Barry for all their help.

Emily Tuite and Abby Fenlon (6th-year prefects and members of the One Good School Lead Team.

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