Head Girls’ Welcome

To be chosen as the Head Girls was a massive achievement for us all and one we treasure dearly. With this honour, comes responsibility and we feel a responsibility to maintain the Beaufort community as the positive environment that it is. We hope that as Head Girls, we can help to create a welcoming environment that gives every student the space to feel that their voice matters and should be heard. We regularly liase with the school management in regard to the general running of the school from the perspective of the students, and pass on any messages from students to the school. . To quote Whinnie The Pooh, “When we work together, things are always better”, and we in Beaufort pride ourselves on not only the work we do alone, but the work we do together. We are proud of who we are as a school and the caring and supportive atmosphere that seeps its way into the classes and halls.

In Beaufort, we have the privilege of having such a fantastic support team and community that allow us to flourish in school, not only academically, but through extra-curricular activities and student led events. We thrive to instill and build on the School Spirirt here in Beaufort and allow it to be a place where students can strive not only academically, but socially and as well. This year we have introduced The Student Led Assembly, which allows us students to share, appreciate and acknowledge the countless talents and success the students here in Beaufort have achieved in various aspects of their life. It is a wonderful opportunity to recognise our talents, varying from, sport, art, kindness, science, debating, Greens schools  and many other achievements. We truly get to see how we, as Loreto students, use our Mary Ward values of love, freedom, justice, sincerity and joy as a compass to guide us in all areas, be it personal or academic. At the end of these Assembly’s we, as a school group sing a song together. It is so  powerful to see the community join together in song and it creates such an immense feeling of community and school spirit. Many activities are held in the school to unite the year groups such as raves, the walk for Rumbek and countless support teams such as peer buddies, 6th year mentors, the Chaplain, teachers and senior prefects. Team spirit and friendship through participation in these activities are hugely valuable to us here in the school but also in all walks of life.

Here in Beaufort the student voice is so important. Our halls are decorated with student art, achievements and photos of all that has been done throughout the years. We pride ourselves on celebrating our students and all they have done for the school.
Due to this, we offer our students the opportunity to display their creativity through all of the wonderful clubs here in Beaufort. Our sports department work diligently to ensure that every student has the opportunity to showcase their sporting abilities. From hockey, basketball, camogie, tennis, swimming, horse riding and so much more every pupil here in Beaufort is offered the chance to display and enhance their sporting abilities.
However, our clubs range from far more than just sports. The choir practice all throughout the year for all of their many performances that they do. They have not only performed in the National Concert Hall, but are also continuously preparing for their many events.
On top of this, our students are celebrated in many other areas of the school too. From representing our school in National debating competitions, traveling around Dublin to attend Model UN events, organising school activities as part of the green school committee or making positive contributions as a member of the school’s Student Council team, there is an opportunity for every students voice to be heard.
Our school is constantly evolving to improve our students school experience and there is no doubt that that is represented through all the clubs and committees that are available here. Every student has the opportunity to have their voice heard and to stand up for what they believe in. And that is something that is celebrated here in Beaufort.