Career Guidance & Counselling

The Guidance Counselling Department are an essential part of the Pastoral Care Team, and we strive to provide personal, social, educational and career support to all our students. We offer support to students on a wide range of issues such as settling into second level school, bereavement, friendship issues, health issues etc. The Guidance Counsellor offers are a safe, confidential space for a student who may be having difficulties and offers individual and/or group counselling.

Frequent communication is held with the teachers, form tutors and the Care Team. We work closely with parents to further enhance any supports we may offer and where appropriate, we refer students to outside agencies and professionals. The Career Guidance Classes follow the REACH+ programme on Career Portal. The online REACH+ Career File facilitates education and career research and exploration, through a suite of interactive Tools and Apps. It also provides access to all the most up-to-date course and career information needed to help inform the students decisions. Additional Guidance and exploration support is offered to all Senior students on a one-to-one basis.

As part of the Careers programme, the Guidance Counselling Department organise a schedule of guest speakers to present to students. These include representatives from various universities, further education colleges, apprenticeship programmes, as well as from a variety of workplace industries. In addition, to this we have regular visits from LHS alumni who share their experiences after leaving post primary.