
Although choir drags me out of bed 30 minutes earlier every Wednesday to make it into our 8 a.m rehearsal, it makes it all worth while when we come together in harmony and do what we love to do, sing.


The Loreto Beaufort choir is run by the very talented Ms Browne, who puts all her energy and passions into helping us learn new music each week to sing on various occasions. The choir consists of students from first to sixth year and whether you’re classically trained or just looking to try something new, there’salways room for everyone in the Beaufort choir. Although this is my last year in choir, it’s probably the most exciting of all because of the myriad of things Ms Browne has planned for us – the NationalConcert Hall, a Christmas carol service and competitions around the country just to name a few. My favourite part about choir is seeing all of our hard work pay off at the end of the year. In September we are handed big crisp booklets of the many songs we hope to perform with over 70 pages of music waiting to be delved into. By May, when the booklets may not look so crisp anymore, the booklet becomes a representation of all of the hard work we have put in throughout the school year. As a member of the choir for my 6 years in Beaufort, there’s not better feeling than hearing “the choir sounded great yesterday at …”. Impounding the satisfaction of hitting that high b you told Ms Browne would never happen but lo and behold, we pulled it all off on the day.  This year is the most exciting yet for the Beaufort choir, and we are eager to open the curtains on the year ahead!


Abby Fenlon, Choir Prefect 2022

The Loreto High School Beaufort Choir rehearses every Wednesday morning at 8am. It is run by Ms Browne, and is open to students from all year groups – no audition is necessary. You do not need to be able to read music, you do not need to have any singing experience – singers from all levels are welcome in choir! Choir members do need to be dedicated, willing to practice at home, and enthusiastic – as the choir’s schedule is very busy, and we want to sound our best at all times!

The choir always sings at school masses, and this year we are returning to the National Concert Hall on November 29th to join the wonderful Rathfarnham Concert Band in their concert ‘Winter Wonderland’. For the first time ever, we will also be holding our own Carol Service in Loreto High School Beaufort on the 13th December, at which we would love to see you all!

Previously the choir, under the direction of the late Ms Cruise, has travelled abroad for performances, sang at Sunday mass in Rathfarnham Church, and has performed at many other events.

Any student who wishes to join choir, please come along on Wednesday morning – I promise the early start is worth it!