Young Scientist

Science has always been very strong at Loreto High School and we are proud to encourage all students, especially those in 4th year who complete a project module, to take part in SciFest and The BT Young Scientist competitions amongst others.

The BT Young Scientist Exhibition is a competition open to all students in Ireland every year.  It provides the students with an opportunity to investigate, explore and develop their science skills while working on a scientific project of their choosing. Entries are due early September and for those who qualify, the exhibition takes place over the course of a week in early January.

SciFest is another fantastic national science competition that takes place on an annual basis. Regional stages are held for competitors, and usually begin to take place in the second term of the school year.

In 2021 both SciFEst and BTYoung Scientist took place in an online capacity. Please keep an eye on their respective websites for up-to-date information.

Special mention to Hannah Bolger and Aoibhinn Roche who in 2021 received highly commended in their BT Young Scientist project, as well as winning the Intel technology award in the SciFest competition.

Best of luck to our Young Scientist qualifiers 2022 who are busy working on their projects for the exhibition this January. They are Niamh Millane, Kim Moore, Isabel Murphy, Jenna Cronin, Ella Conlon, Róisín Cawley, Aoife Copeland, Mia Minch, Isabella Riordan and Sophie O’Donnell.