Green Committee

Who are we?

We are the Green Committee and we are currently working on Biodiversity as a theme. If you would like to read our regular updates just put the word ‘green’ in the search bar of this website. We‘re in Year 2 of our Biodiversity Flag application and we can‘t wait to get stuck in. If you think you’d like to help out with any of the following activities or even just take part then let us know. Remember parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, neighbours , even your dogs are welcome….we want everybody to join us! Our plan this year is to focus on the birds and the trees . So if you’d like to do any of the following …


  1. join the Green Committee
  2. Update our habitat map
  3. Review our biodiversity survey
  4. Organise Green Week
  5. Enter a photo competition
  6. Keep the school community updated
  7. Spend time with trees
  8. Beaufort bird watch
  9. Invite some speakers in
  10. Keep our green board updated
  11. Revise all our previous themes
  12. Peer teach your fellow students
  13. Be available at Parent’s Evenings to talk about our work
  14. Eat lunch in the brand new classroom with the best view ( sometimes bonus treats provided)
  15. And whatever else you want to do …

What do we do?

Our aim is to promote care for the environment and promote participation in environmental initiatives in the school. We will be organising a number of awareness campaigns and competitions throughout the year to draw attention to the importance of recycling, cycling and walking to school, energy and water preservation, reducing waste climate change and biodiversity. This year we will begin a number of new initiatives to work towards achieving our sixth green flag (the biodiversity flag). We look forward to the year ahead and hope we will achieve everything that we need.

What can you do at school?

  • Always recycle and use the appropriate bins
  • Walk, cycle or car pool to school
  • Turn off the lights when it’s bright outside
  • don’t leave taps running in the bathrooms
  • get involved in as many green committee competitions as you can (you could even win prizes)
  • Spread the word of how to be environmentally friendly
  • keep and eye on the Green Committee noticeboard

The Green Code

1. We in Beaufort endevour to raise awareness of climate change issues, to get the school working as a community and to lower carbon emmissions.
2. To encourage recycling and waste and energy conservation.
3. To promote walking, cycling and carpooling to school.

Our Energy Statement

Loreto High School Beaufort Energy Statement 2017

We in Loreto Beaufort, are committed to the implementation of energy efficient policies and practices. We endeavour to be a leading example to our wider community. We intend to instil a sense of stewardship in our pupils. We recognise the importance of sustainability for future generations.


We are committed to the following:

• The communication of this energy statement to the entire school community.

• Setting realistic energy targets.

• Liaising with the school green committee on energy and environmental issues.

• Minimising our school’s carbon footprint, wherever possible.

• Informing all year groups and staff about our energy initiatives.

• Incorporating a sustainable energy plan for future infrastructural changes in our school.

Recent Green Committee Actions

Recently, as part of getting our climate change flag, we composed a transport survey. We wanted to see what percentage of the school drive, use public transport and walk or cycle. The green committee distributed the surveys to each student around the school and after we compiled the results. Here are the results.

transport survey: results
car: 53.5%
public transport: 8.25%
walk/cycle: 38.2%
We want to reduce the amount of people driving to school as much as possible so we encourage everyone within walking distance to walk, cycle or use public transport.

Read the results of our Transport Survey Oct. 2011

Check our TRAVEL FLAG report on the Green Schools website