Transition Year

Transition year is a one year programme that is compulsory here in the school and acts as a bridge between Junior and Senior Cycle. During the year students mature, become more socially aware and engage in a wide variety of learning experiences inside and outside the classroom. Students explore their own talents and abilities and take responsibility for themselves and their future.

TY Parents Information Presentation 2021 2022

All students take the following core subjects :
English, Irish, Mathematics, Religion, Modern Foreign Language, Science and Business Studies.

And choose two subjects from :
Spanish, German, Music, Art, History, Geography, Home Economics and Religious Education.

The following modules are offered :

Bridge, Music Appreciation, Adobe Photoshop, Environmental Studies, Photography, International Cuisine, Arts and Crafts, Interior Design, Bag Making, Tourism, ECDL and Current Affairs.

A two week work experience placement and a one week community outreach programme is organised during the year. Students organise their own work experience placement. The student should look for and find themselves 2 separate placements in 2 work areas that they are interested in or are curious about. If a student misses any of this time it must be made up at a later stage in the student’s own time.

Work Experience or Community Outreach is not encouraged outside of the dates provided, especially during January, February or March. Exceptional circumstances may be be granted upon application to the Principal by letter.
Read how one of our students got on at the SPCA.

A school musical is produced by the TY students each year during the month of March. It is a very exiting and fun time for students where many musical and artistic talents are discovered and team spirit flourishes. There is a role for everyone and years after the final curtain falls everyone remembers the PLAY.

Other extra curricular activities include first aid, hair and makeup demonstrations, dance and music classes, invited speakers and outings.

All students have an opportunity to take part in Gaisce Presidential Award, ECO UNESCO, aerobics, self-defence and have access to a fully equipped gym.