
School Chaplain – Fiona O’Dwyer

The role of school Chaplain can be encapsulated in the term ‘Faith Friend’. The Chaplain accompanies students on their journey through school; the school Chaplaincy service is open to students of all faiths and world-views. As part of the school’s Care Team, the Chaplain is available to support students who need a listening, non-judgemental presence when they meet different struggles in their lives. Students can meet the Chaplain by requesting an appointment with her. The Chaplain also supports the school’s Ember and St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) groups.

The RE team, Chaplain and the Priests of Rathfarnham parish all work together to meet the sacramental needs of the school community.

school calendar such as Advent, World Religion Day, Lent, Graduation etc.

She is assisted in doing so by our Religious Education Department